In early August Nova Labs
posted a change in how the denylist
is operated. This change has resulted in several positive effects on the network in terms of the
number of hotspots that were improved and cleared from the denylist, as well as clusters of
misbehaving hotspots getting turned off, clearing innocent hotspots that were swept up in the
The ongoing challenge with the current approach is that innocent hotspots are still being swept up
by the classifiers if they have especially good antenna setups since they are attractive targets for
beacon replay.
Nova Labs will be deploying a refinement to the denylist that instead of denying hotspots for
exhibiting improbable RF behavior denying witness events, also known as edges or connections,
that are improbable. This would allow hotspots to continue to operate and earn PoC rewards for RF
behavior that benefits the network overall even if they have improbable RF links.
We expect this new approach to be deployed before the end of September.