Hotspot Firmware Release: Operational Improvements
· One min read
The Helium team has tagged a new 2022.02.08.0
release for Original Helium and RAK/MNTD
Hotspots. This minor release changes the interval between automated update checks for a Hotspot's
container. It has been updated to every 2 hours, from the current 5 minute interval. This
update also changes how a Hotspot prunes old miner images, removing the possibility of
re-downloading the latest image multiple times. These changes should reduce the amount of bandwidth
an Original or RAK/MNTD Hotspot consumes.
We have been testing 2022.02.08.0
since Feb 8, 2022 12:00 PM PST. Current ETA for GA is Feb 8,
2022 2:30 PM PST.