Hotspot Firmware Updates: Hardware Support and Blockchain Improvements
· One min read
The team has a new release tagged 2020.12.30.0
with improved hardware support for the RAK Hotspot
Miner updates (ECC chip support), new region configs for future hotspots in China, Japan, Malaysia,
Singapore and Australia, minor adjustments to challenge targeting jitter, and a snapshot bump.
Please read on for more details and plan for GA.
miner#597: Adjust the POC challenge jitter factor
Adjust the PoC interval jitter to behave better with larger PoC interval values. This should result in slightly increased challenge rates.
miner#589: Snapshot bump to 653041
We have updated the snapshot block to 653041
to allow newly onboarded hotspots to sync faster to
the current blockchain head block.
We have been beta testing 2020.12.30.0
since December 30th, 2020 2:00PM PT. Current ETA for GA is
12:00 PM PT, December 31st, 2020.