Network Disruption Postmortem: 2022-07-11
On Monday 2022-07-11 at approximately 12:42 PM UTC the Consensus Group stopped producing blocks at
block 1,435,692
. Normal chain operations continued at 17:15 PM UTC just over 4 hours later.
Throughout the disruption, devices continued to have coverage to transfer data and operate normally as state channels remained open processing packets. There were also no risks to Hotspot owners or HNT holders, but they did experience a delay in transaction processing and Proof-of-Coverage activity.
A minimum of 29 of the 43 Consensus Group members must be online, connected to each other, and on the same consensus round to produce blocks.
This disruption was caused by a combination of factors including an issue with the 1.12.3
validator beta build and a local network outage experienced by a number of validators in the
Consensus Group.
The core team worked with the Validator community to manually move relevant, online validators to the same consensus round so they could become synchronized and resume normal operations.
At 10:15 AM PST the Consensus Group continued block production with 1,435,693
The root cause of the 1.12.3 issue was identified and fix was released with the latest 1.12.4
validator build that is currently available.
To avoid this type of situation, there is an auto-skip feature that enables validators to move to a different consensus round without manual intervention. However, a known issue prevented the auto-skip feature from working as expected.
This issue along with additional performance improvements are planned for the next validator release.
Power of Community
Thank you once again to our community members that host validators. We deeply appreciate both your timeliness and willingness to troublehsoot issues that affect the entire network.