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Miner Release: Turning off Chain Sync and Enabling MUX

· 2 min read

The core developers have tagged a new 2022.07.14.0 miner release. This release contains fixes to packet delivery to make it more reliable when Hotspots fall offline for a brief period of time (it will queue up to 10 device packets it saw) and fixes to let Hotspots send unknown packets if it's not synced with the blockchain.

This release also contains fixes that will allow Hotspots to transfer packets using the Light Hotspot firmware code (or gateway-rs) and allows for individual Makers to turn off blockchain sync for their Hotspot fleets. See directions below on how to enable mux and turn off chain sync.

Hotspots can expect to make 3 connections to a Validator when mux is enabled (one for PoC, one for packets, and one for activity).


  • Makers must enable mux explicitly in their docker overlay by adding {gateway_and_mux_enable, true} to your configuration file under the miner application block

Turn off Blockchain Sync

  • Makers must turn off chain sync explicitly in their docker overlay by adding {gateways_run_chain, false} to your configuration file under the miner application block

Known Issues

Some Hotspot owners may have issues running diagnostic reports over Bluetooth. This is likely due to services that the miner provides, and if chain sync is off, some of those services may not be available to support Bluetooth services, like diagnostic reports.

#1407 SC Client Updates


We have been testing 2022.07.14.0 on Mainnet since July 12 5pm PT. Current ETA for GA is July 14, 2022 4:00pm PT.