Blockchain Release: More Snapshot Fixes
The core developers have tagged a new 2021.07.15.0
Hotspot firmware release which introduces more
snapshot related fixes. This is a mandatory release for Hotspot owners and manufacturers to
continue syncing with newly blessed snapshots.
This release improves on the previous release and fixes some critical issues related to light gateway support, snapshot disagreement and non-invalidation (follow) mode. As many community members have noticed, there hasn't been a blessed snapshot on the blockchain for a while, the core developers believe that the fixes in this new release will further improve chances of getting a snapshot on chain.
Related PRs
- blockchain-core#914: Force clean witnesses, don't allow them to be added, disable gc
- blockchain-core#915: Fix add light gateway validation
- blockchain-core#917: Add a no_staking_mapping test
- blockchain-core#918: Cover more checkpoint code under the follow mode check
- blockchain-core#920: Zero out the last location nonce
- blockchain-core#921: Diff more gateway fields in snapshot diff
We have been beta testing 2021.07.15.0
since July 15th, 2021 10:00 AM PT. Current ETA for GA is
12:00 PM PT, July 15th, 2021.