Blockchain Release: Light Gateway and Discovery Mode Support
The team has a new release tagged 2021.05.12.0
which adds support for light gateways and miner
discovery mode. This is a required upgrade for all miners and will be automatic for all Hotspots
using the Helium firmware when we GA.
miner#708: Add light gateway support
This PR adds miner side support for light gateways. You can find more information about light gateways here.
miner#744: Add discovery mode support
This PR adds miner side discovery mode support.
miner#764: Update blockchain-core and snapshot to 841681
The team updated miner dependencies and the snapshot block to 841681
to allow newly onboarded
hotspots to sync faster to the current blockchain head block.
blockchain-core#735: Add light gateway support
This adds light gateway support to blockchain-core, note that it won't be live until the related chain variables are activated. The team will issue a future update on the activation schedule.
We have been beta testing 2021.05.12.0
since May 12th, 2021 5:30 PM PT. Current ETA for GA is 2:30
PM PT, May 13th, 2021.