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Add Device to ChirpStack via Console

Adding a device to your ChirpStack console for the first time is currently a 3 step process. Each device needs a device profile and each device needs to belong to an application. Integrations are currently handled per-application level for device(s).

  1. Create a Device Profile or Select from Templates
  2. Create an Application
  3. Create a Device in the Application

After adding a device to ChirpStack, take note of the Device EUI and Join EUI values in order to be able to Configure Device in Helium Config Service

Create Device Profile

Device Profiles -> Add Device Profile

From the dashboard click on Device Profiles.

From Device Profiles click on Add device profile.

From here you can either create a new device profile, or select one from the device-profile templates if they're available.

Click Submit to add your new device profile.

Create Application

Applications -> Add Application

From the Applications sidebar menu, click Add Application.

Create the application with a name and description.

Create Device in Application

Application -> Application-Name -> Add Device

Select your Application and click Add Device.

Fill in your device details and select the device profile you made earlier. A Device EUI can be entered from a pre-provisioned device, or pressing the button will generate a fresh EUI.
The AppKey will be shown in the next step, don't worry about finding it yet.

Click Submit when done.

Enter the application key or generate a new one by pressing the button.

Click Submit once you enter the application key.

Your device should be created and listed in the application. The LoRaWAN frames tab will display a live view of payloads being delivered to the LNS.
Additional devices can be added to the existing Application.