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The Mobile Network


The Helium Mobile Network is a decentralized carrier offload network. The Helium Mobile Hotspots and Converted Wi-Fi Networks, while owned and deployed by the community, connect to a common core which gives subscribers from various mobile carriers automatic access to the network. In return for the work done by the radio deployer enabling this wireless coverage (securing real estate, providing power, providing internet) the deployer is rewarded with HNT tokens.


Helium Mobile Hotspots allow anyone to create Helium Network coverage. Helium Mobile Hotspots are low cost, easy to deploy, Wi-Fi radios. These are best deployed in commercial locations where slow moving people gather; think coffee shops, restaurants, shopping malls, public transit stations, etc. In this way subscribers, business owners, and entrepreneurs can improve the mobile wireless user experience rapidly where it's needed.

Purchase a Wi-Fi Hotspot

Visit for more information on purchasing a Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot to build coverage in your area!

Converted Wi-Fi Networks are created when an existing Passpoint enabled Wi-Fi network is configured to join the Helium Mobile Network. Through the Helium Plus program or self-serve guides, owners of existing Wi-Fi networks can monetize their asset by enabling carrier offload via the Helium Network. In return for servicing subscriber's wireless data, the network owners gets rewarded with HNT tokens. Wi-Fi radios onboarded through Helium Plus program do not earn Proof of Coverage (PoC) rewards.

Add Helium+ To Your Wi-Fi Fleet

Visit Helium Plus for more information on how to add Helium Plus to your passpoint capable Wi-Fi network.


Hotspots can earn rewards for both Proof of Coverage and data transfer. PoC rewards are further defined here and are dependent on the readiness and quality of service provided by a radio. Data transfer rewards are awarded based on the amount of eligible data passed through a Hotspot.

During the onboarding process, you will create or provide your Solana Wallet to be the "owner" of your Hotspot. During this process an NFT will be created and transferred to your wallet to represent your radio on the blockchain.
HNT rewards will be credited to the Solana wallet that holds the NFT related to the Hotspot when the Rewards Oracle disperses HNT Rewards.