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Data-Only Hotspot Onboarding

This guide walks through the process of onboarding a Data-Only Hotspot to the Helium Network. The onboarding procedure expects a gateway configured with the Semtech Packet Forwarder and Helium Gateway-rs.


  • LoRaWAN Gateway with Gateway-rs installed.
  • Helium Wallet CLI with a funded account imported.
  • Token balances to onboard a Data-Only Hotspot.
    • 100,000 ($1) Data Credits (DCs) comprised of
      • 50,000 ($0.50) Data-Only Onboard
      • 50,000 ($0.50) Data-Only Location Assert
    • SOL (Solana's native cryptocurrency) to cover transaction fees (~0.01 Sol)

Installing Gateway-rs

If the gateway is already configured with gateway-rs, skip to Prepare the Helium Wallet CLI.

If the gateway does not already have gateway-rs installed, follow these steps to install and configure it.
For more in-depth guides, refer to the available tutorials.

Running From a Release

Compiled releases are available directly from GitHub.

Building From Source

Build the program from source. The build chain for gateway-rs is Rust.

Install Rust
curl -sSf | sh
Add Rust to shell
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
Install protobuf compiler
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
Clone the gateway-rs repository
git clone
Build gateway-rs from within the gateway-rs directory
cd gateway-rs/
cargo build --release

The compiled helium_gateway program will be available in the gateway-rs/target/release/ directory.

Prepare Gateway-rs

To simplify running the helium_gateway program, place it in a folder that is easily accessible or in the /usr/bin/ directory. Placing helium_gateway in this bin directory will automatically add it to the shell path.

Copying the helium_gateway program to /usr/bin/
sudo cp gateway-rs/target/release/helium_gateway /usr/bin/
Running the helium_gateway program after adding it to /usr/bin/
$ helium_gateway --version
> helium_gateway 1.1.1

Configure settings.toml

From the downloaded release or built source, copy the settings.toml file into a directory where it will not be overwritten and can be easily found.

The default path is /etc/helium_gateway/settings.toml. If using a different path, pass the location of the settings.toml file to helium_gateway using the -c flag.

Initialize the default directory for Helium Gateway
sudo mkdir /etc/helium_gateway
Make a copy of settings.toml in the default directory
sudo cp gateway-rs/config/settings.toml /etc/helium_gateway/

For the subsequent steps, a command-line-based text editor is used.

Edit the copied settings.toml file
sudo nano /etc/helium_gateway/settings.toml

[Optional] Region Plan

Setting the gateway's region is only required if the Hotspot is not added and asserted to the blockchain. For onboarded Hotspots, the region is retrieved via the asserted location stored on-chain. The Hotspot will not transfer data unless one of these criteria is met.

Uncomment this line by removing the #. Set the appropriate region
# region = "US915"

To determine the region plan that should be used, refer to the Helium Region Plans section. The selected region plan must match the region plan in the Semtech Packet Forwarder.

[Optional] Define gateway_key.bin Location

The default path is /etc/helium_gateway/gateway_key.bin. If using a different path, update the key location in settings.toml.

The gateway_key.bin file stores the information used to identify the Hotspot on the network. The key file will allow gateway-rs to securely sign all messages transferred from the Hotspot. Key signing allows the Helium Network to confirm that data payloads are delivered from verifiable sources. The gateway_key will be generated during the first run of the server if no existing key is found.

# File based:
keypair = "/etc/helium_gateway/gateway_key.bin"

It's advised to backup the gateway_key.bin file, especially if it needs to be recovered after the onboarding process.

First Run

With gateway-rs installed on the gateway, initialize the key for the Hotspot. If creating the gateway_key in /etc/helium_gateway/, sudo may be required on first run to create the key file.

Generate a swarm_key by running gateway-rs.
sudo helium_gateway server
Example successful result after first running Gateway-rs

Continued Operation

Gateway-rs will not automatically run at system start. To make gateway-rs automatically run, create a system service.

Create a service file for gateway-rs
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gateway-rs.service

Define the system user to execute the service (Line 9).

Create this service at /etc/systemd/system/gateway-rs.service
# /etc/systemd/system/gateway-rs.service
Description=Helium Gateway

ExecStart=helium_gateway server
User=<fill in current user>


Once the service is written, activate it using the following commands.

Activate the service
sudo systemctl enable gateway-rs.service
Start the service
sudo systemctl start gateway-rs.service
View logs for gateway-rs
sudo journalctl -fu gateway-rs

If there are errors in the service, edit it by first stopping the service (systemctl stop gateway-rs.service), then editing it (sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gateway-rs.service). After changes are made, rerun the above commands to test and monitor.

Prepare the Helium Wallet CLI

The Helium Wallet CLI will be used to sign and submit the transaction generated. The Helium Wallet CLI should not be installed on the Hotspot.

For details on setting up the Helium Wallet CLI and using an existing account, see the CLI Wallet documentation.

Get Helium address for the imported account
./helium-wallet -f <path/to/>wallet.key info

The info command will return the wallet addresses for both the Solana blockchain and the legacy Helium L1.

"address": {
"helium": "<Helium Address>",
"solana": "<Solana Address>"
"pwhash": "Argon2id13",
"sharded": false

Generate the add Transaction Using Gateway-rs

Connect to the Hotspot using SSH or the interface provided by the hardware manufacturer.

Gateway-rs provides tooling to generate a transaction using the gateway_key. Use the Solana address for the <OWNER> and <PAYER> fields.

Generate an Add Hotspot Transaction
helium_gateway add --owner <OWNER> --payer <PAYER>

The owner and payer accounts can both be the same. To onboard the Hotspot, the payer account will need to sign the transaction and pay the DC onboarding fee. The owner will be the recipient of the Hotspot.

The add command will generate the transaction that can be used in the onboarding step.

Add transaction result
"address": "<Hotspot Address>",
"mode": "dataonly",
"owner": "<Owner>",
"payer": "<Payer>",
"txn": "<Add Hotspot Transaction>"

Onboarding With The Command Line Interface Wallet

Onboarding is done using the Helium CLI Wallet.

The Helium CLI Wallet will not automatically convert HNT to Data Credits. Make sure the paying account has at least 50,000 Data Credits available to complete the add transaction. The transactions take place on the Solana blockchain, so a small amount of SOL is also required to cover Solana fees.

helium-wallet hotspots add iot <Txn from gateway-rs> --commit

The CLI will return a Solana transaction hash for the on-chain event. This transaction can be looked up using a Solana block explorer such as Solana Explorer or Solscan.

"result": "ok",
"txid": "<Transaction ID>"

Asserting With The Command Line Interface Wallet

To assert the location of the Hotspot using the Helium CLI Wallet, use the command helium-wallet hotspots update.

Make sure the paying account has at least 50,000 Data Credits available to complete the location assert transaction. The transactions take place on the Solana blockchain, so a small amount of SOL is also required to cover Solana fees.

Before running the assert command, get the public key from the Data-Only Hotspot.

helium_gateway key info

The key info command will return the Hotspot's 'animal name' along with the Hotspot's public key.

"name": "angry-purple-tiger",
"key": "11TL62V8NYvSTXmV5CZCjaucskvNR1Fdar1Pg4Hzmzk5tk2JBac",
"onboarding": "11TL62V8NYvSTXmV5CZCjaucskvNR1Fdar1Pg4Hzmzk5tk2JBac"

Use the "key" value along with the Hotspot's physical latitude and longitude to assert its location to the network. A utility such as is helpful for looking up coordinates. Gain is set in dBm and elevation is set in meters.

helium-wallet hotspots update iot <Hotspot Public Key> --lat=37.771150 --lon=-122.419200 --gain 1.2 --elevation 7 --commit

--elevation and --gain are optional values and can be updated at any time without further fees as long as the lat/lon values remain the same. Use the built-in help command, helium-wallet hotspots update --help for more info.