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Mappers API


The Mappers API is used for submitting data to the Mappers project. Data submitted is viewable on and updated in real-time.


There is currently no authentication required.


Submit geo-tagged device uplink.

Content-Type: application/json

Requests are intended to be sent from an HTTP integration within Console or ChirpStack. Metadata from the standard JSON message is used in addition to the required fields detailed below.

All required fields are case-sensitive and must be in the top level of the decoded payload section as shown below:

Console Payload Example (Legacy)
"decoded": {
"payload": {
"accuracy": 2,
"altitude": 2,
"latitude": 38.811706,
"longitude": -121.607035
ChirpStack Payload Example
"object": {
"latitude": 38.811706,
"longitude": -121.607035,
"accuracy": 2.0,
"altitude": 2.0

All of the following fields are required in the decoded payload latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy.

Body Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionExpected UnitExample
latitudefloatDevice Latitude ValueDecimal Degrees 37.79518664339426
longitudefloatDevice Longitude ValueDecimal Degrees-122.39384483747301
altitudeintDevice Altitude ValueMeters10
accuracyfloatDevice GPS Accuracy ValueMeters2.3