JSON Schema
This page has not been fully updated to represent the latest state of the Helium Network following the migration to Solana on April 18, 2023.
When receiving or transmitting data with an integration, there is a consistent JSON Schema for the data.
Uplink: Receiving Data from a Device
Here is an example of data received:
"app_eui": "6948A4B59F4666AD",
"dev_eui": "1C29FBD1D2084E21",
"devaddr": "B5A44869",
"fcnt": 19,
"hotspots": [
"frequency": 912.2999877929688,
"id": "11KHJW1ePkfhLYptMwKyDzn4opLc62daahbi35uxhH3wwi7p6xr",
"name": "icy-fiery-hippo",
"reported_at": 15868685461234,
"rssi": -54,
"snr": 9.800000190734863,
"spreading": "SF9BW125",
"status": "success"
"frequency": 912.2999877929688,
"id": "11ni2CACdVUAshDvXif2pYUduAsvoawoxvVub6aqgHjSNsPEapZ",
"name": "cool-chiffon-hornet",
"reported_at": 15868685461235,
"rssi": -51,
"snr": 9,
"spreading": "SF9BW125",
"status": "success"
"id": "7c523974-4ce7-4a92-948b-55171a6e4d77",
"metadata": {
"labels": [
"id": "7d11aef4-4daf-4caf-b72a-f789b191ebe4",
"name": "DontLabelMe",
"organization_id": "d724b93a-895a-4175-9852-8738ae31050b"
"name": "Test Me",
"payload": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
"port": 1,
"reported_at": 15868685461234
Field | Type | Description |
app_eui | String | LoRaWAN 64-bit Application Identifier (AppEUI) in MSB hex; conventionally this is used to identify a type of sensor or actuator, e.g. "temperature sensor" or "valve controller" |
dev_eui | String | LoRaWAN 64-bit Device Identifier (DevEUI) in MSB hex; conventionally this is used to identify a unique device within a specific application (AppEUI) or even within an entire organization |
devaddr | String | Upon a successful Join, the device is allocated a LoRaWAN 64-bit DevAddr which is unique across the entire Helium Network as long the session is active; the data is represented here in MSB hex |
fcnt | Number | LoRaWAN FCnt for uplink packets; this increments with every uplink packet and can be useful for surmising whether an uplink was missed |
hotspots | Array(hotspot) | Array of hotspots which received the same packet (schema description in a following table) |
id | String | UUID used to identify the device within Helium Console; this is assigned during device creation and maps to a unique set of AppEui, DevEui, and AppKey |
metadata | Object("label": Array(label)) | A nested JSON object with a single field, "labels", which is an array of label Objects, described in the next table |
name | String | Name assigned to the device by Console user |
payload | String | Data transmitted by your device as a base64 encoded String. Most computer languages will have some built-in libraries for parsing this (e.g. base64.decode(payload)) |
payload_size | Number | Size of the payload in bytes; you can use this to verify your libraries parsing output |
port | Number | LoRaWAN FPort on which the data was transmitted; this can be useful for routing data within the application |
reported_at | Number | Timestamp in milliseconds |
Field | Type | Description |
frequency | Number | In MHz, the frequency which the packet was received upon |
id | String | A base58 encoding of the hotspot's public key; this may serve as a concise unique identifier |
name | String | A human-friendly three-word encoding of the hotspot's public key; link to JavaScript and Erlang implementations |
reported_at | Number | Timestamp in milliseconds |
rssi | Number | Received Signal Strength Indicator is reported by the hotspot and indicates how strong the signal device's radio signal was; the larger the number (closer to 0), the better the signal |
snr | Number | In dB, Signal to Noise Ratio is reported by the hotspot to indicate how clear the signal was relative to environmental noise; this generally ranges between -20 and +10 and the larger the number (closer to 10 dB) the better |
spreading | String | LoRa Spreading Factor and Bandwidth used for the radio transmission. In the US, spreading factor ranges from 7 to 10 and bandwidth is always 125 kHz. For example, "SF7BW125" means a Spreading Factor of 7 was used and a channel width of 125 kHz. |
Field | Type | Description |
labels | String | A list of Labels attached to the device |
Downlink: Transmitting Data to a Device
Here is an example of data received:
"payload_raw": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
"port": 1,
"confirmed": false
Field | Description | |
payload_raw | String | Data transmitted to your device as a base64 encoded String. Most programming languages will have some built-in libraries for parsing/encoding this (e.g., Python's payload = base64.b64encode(payload_str.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii') ) |
port | Number | LoRaWAN FPort on which the data is to be transmitted; this can be useful for routing data within the application |
confirmed | Bool | Whether a device acknowledgement (ACK) is required |
Note that many devices will show the downlinked payload (submitted as base64 in the JSON schema) as hex (base-16).
Clearing a Device Queue
If the payload_raw field is set to the base64 encoded value '__clear_downlink_queue__'
, all
downlinks queued for that device will be removed.