Oracle Data
The Helium Network operates Oracles that perform various tasks backing Proof-of-Coverage and data transfer for the LoRaWAN (IOT), Mobile, and any future networks. These Oracles provide extensive logs for analysis of the Helium subnetworks.
The Helium Oracles handle all data about the network, except for transactions handled by the Helium Program Libraries on Solana.
Accessing Oracle Data
Data is directly accessible from the foundation-poc-data-requester-pays
bucket in AWS us-west-2
under the top-level data category prefixes listed below. All data provided in the S3 bucket is made
available on a basis of 'Requestor Pays', meaning you - the requester - will pay for the data
transfer and AWS API costs incurred from the data requests.
For more information on accessing data from an AWS requester pays bucket, refer to Downloading objects in Requester Pays buckets.
Top-Level Data Category Prefixes |
foundation-iot-entropy |
foundation-iot-ingest |
foundation-iot-packet-ingest |
foundation-iot-packet-verifier |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards |
foundation-mobile-ingest |
foundation-mobile-packet-verifier |
foundation-mobile-price |
foundation-mobile-verified |
Under each top-level data category prefix, the related PoC data files are provided in the prefix structure noted below:
Again, as the foundation-poc-data-requester-pays
bucket is 'Requestor Pays', be mindful that AWS
will charge you for:
- Storage costs on any destination buckets
- Egress fees if the data leaves
, andLIST
To that end, keeping data in us-west-2
and being pragmatic about which AWS S3 access patterns are
used will greatly reduce the cost burden for accessing the PoC data.
Regarding access patterns, one approach to minimize the quantity of S3 API calls over time - and
save money - is to use the aws s3api list-objects-v2
command and specify the --start-after
parameters. In particular, the aws s3api list-objects-v2
command can be invoked
iteravtively over time with the --start-after
parameter set to the
top-level data category prefix
+ filename
of the last file received and the --prefix
set to the top-level data category
+ file prefix
of desired file, as indicated below:
aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket foundation-poc-data-requester-pays --start-after <top-level-data-category-prefix/filename> --prefix <top-level-data-category-prefix/file_prefix> --request-payer requester
For example, if you were to execute the aws s3api list-objects-v2
command against a foo
of an example
bucket, and the most recent file you received was bar.1681917512317.gz
, in a
subsequent invocation of aws s3api list-objects-v2
you could set the --start-after
flag to
and the --prefix
flag to foo/bar
to return a list of bar
type files
subsequent to bar.1681917512317.gz
. In doing so, your total API calls in the second invocation of
aws s3api list-objects-v2
would be limited to only the files subsequent to bar.1681917512317.gz
rather than for all files in the bucket. From there, you can iterate over the returned list of files
and perform additional S3 API commands such as aws s3api copy-object
to copy files based on the
file list.
Oracle Data File Format
The raw PoC data stored in the foundation-poc-data-requester-pays
bucket is in encoded protobuf
format in .gz
compressed files. The table below provides the top-level data category prefixes, the
file types comprised within each data category prefix, the file prefixes beginning each filename,
the filename patterns for each of the file types, and links to the corresponding protobuf used to
decode the data.
Category | File Type | File Prefix | Filename | Protobuf Definition |
foundation-iot-entropy | EntropyReport | entropy_report | entropy_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | entropy.proto (Line 5: entropy_report_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-ingest | IotBeaconIngestReport | iot_beacon_ingest_report | iot_beacon_ingest_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 97: lora_beacon_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-ingest | IotWitnessIngestReport | iot_witness_ingest_report | iot_witness_ingest_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 104: lora_witness_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-packet-ingest | PacketReport | packetreport | packetreport.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/packet_router.proto (Line 8: packet_router_packet_report_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-packet-verifier | InvalidPacket | invalid_packet | invalid_packet.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/packet_verifier.proto (Line 13: invalid_packet ) |
foundation-iot-packet-verifier | IotValidPacket | iot_valid_packet | iot_valid_packet.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/packet_verifier.proto (Line 5: valid_packet ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | IotRewardShare | iot_reward_share | iot_reward_share.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 239: iot_reward_share ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | IotPoc | iot_poc | iot_poc.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 216: lora_poc_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | IotInvalidBeaconReport | iot_invalid_beacon | iot_invalid_beacon.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 153: lora_invalid_beacon_report_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | IotInvalidWitnessReport | iot_invalid_witness | iot_invalid_witness.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 173: lora_invalid_witness_report_v1 ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | GatewayRewardShare | gateway_reward_share (Deprecated 4/18/23) | gateway_reward_share.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 171: gateway_reward_share ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | RewardManifest | reward_manifest | reward_manifest.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | reward_manifest.proto (Line 5: reward_manifest ) |
foundation-iot-verified-rewards | NonRewardablePacket | non_rewardable_packet | non_rewardable_packet.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_lora.proto (Line 47: non_rewardable_packet ) |
foundation-mobile-ingest | CellHeartbeatIngestReport | cell_heartbeat | cell_heartbeat.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 65: cell_heartbeat_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-ingest | CellSpeedtestIngestReport | cell_speedtest | cell_speedtest.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 25: speedtest_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-ingest | DataTransferSessionIngestReport | data_transfer_session_ingest_report | data_transfer_session_ingest_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 366: data_transfer_session_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-ingest | Heartbeat | heartbeat | heartbeat.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 181: heartbeat ) |
foundation-mobile-ingest | SpeedtestIngestReport | speedtest_report | speedtest_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 25: speedtest_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-ingest | SubscriberLocationIngestReport | subscriber_location_report | subscriber_location_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 92: subscriber_location_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-packet-verifier | InvalidDataTransferSessionIngestReport | invalid_data_transfer_session_ingest_report | invalid_data_transfer_session_ingest_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 372: invalid_data_transfer_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-packet-verifier | ValidDataTransferSession | valid_data_transfer_session | valid_data_transfer_session.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/packet_verifier.proto (Line 24: valid_data_transfer_session ) |
foundation-mobile-price | PriceReport | price_report | price_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | price_report.proto (Line 7: price_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | ValidatedHeartbeat | validated_heartbeat | validated_heartbeat.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 181: heartbeat ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | SpeedtestAvg | speedtest_avg | speedtest_avg.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line L226: speedtest_avg ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | VerifiedSpeedtest | verified_speedtest | verified_speedtest.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line L36: verified_speedtest ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | VerifiedSubscriberLocationIngestReport | verified_subscriber_location_report | verified_subscriber_location_report.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 140: verified_subscriber_location_ingest_report_v1 ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | RadioRewardShare | radio_reward_share | radio_reward_share.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 247: radio_reward_share ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | MobileRewardShare | mobile_reward_share | mobile_reward_share.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | service/poc_mobile.proto (Line 295: mobile_reward_share ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | RewardManifest | reward_manifest | reward_manifest.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | reward_manifest.proto (Line 5: reward_manifest ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | SubnetworkRewards | subnetwork_rewards | subnetwork_rewards.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | blockchain_txn_subnetwork_rewards_v1.proto (Line 11: subnetwork_rewards ) |
foundation-mobile-verified | InvalidShares | invalid_shares | invalid_shares.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz | |
foundation-mobile-verified | Shares | shares | shares.<unix_ms_timestamp>.gz |
Reading Bytestream Data
To store the massive amount of data generated by the Oracles, the output is stored as zipped
bytestreams (one bytestream per .gz
file). To 'unpack' this data, you'll first need the associated
Protobuf from (also listed above).
Once uncompressed, the file is a series of 4-byte prefix length encoded binary followed by the associated message. More concretely, you'll need to repeatedly read the first 4 bytes and decode that as a big-endian u32. Then use that u32 number as the number of subsequent bytes to read. Decode those subsequent bytes using the associated proto definition. Repeat this process until you've read the entire file.
Important Note: Simply trying to pass the contents of the uncompressed files into the protobuf decoder will fail.
Javascript Example
// poc_mobile.proto
// copied from
syntax = "proto3";
package helium.poc_mobile;
message cell_heartbeat_req_v1 {
// Public key of the hotspot
bytes pub_key = 1;
string hotspot_type = 2;
uint32 cell_id = 3;
// Timestamp of heartbeat in seconds from unix epoch
uint64 timestamp = 4;
double lat = 5;
double lon = 6;
bool operation_mode = 7;
string cbsd_category = 8;
string cbsd_id = 9;
bytes signature = 10;
// oracle-data-reader-example.js
// assumes you've downloaded and unzipped the below file
const fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync('./cell_heartbeat.1667919103443')
protobuf.load('mobile.proto', function (err, root) {
if (err) throw err
// Obtain a message type
var CellHeartbeat = root.lookupType('helium.poc_mobile.cell_heartbeat_req_v1')
let offset = 0
while (offset < fileBuffer.length) {
// the first 4 bytes tell you how long the message is
const messageLength = fileBuffer.readInt32BE(offset)
const bufferMessage = fileBuffer.subarray(offset + 4, offset + messageLength + 4)
try {
var decodedMessage = CellHeartbeat.decode(bufferMessage)
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e)
offset += messageLength + 4
Rust Example
This leverages existing Rust dependencies used by the Oracles.
# Cargo.toml
name = "oracle-data-reader-example"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
anyhow = {version = "1", features = ["backtrace"]}
file-store = {git = "", branch = "main"}
futures = "*"
serde = {version = "1", features=["derive"]}
serde_json = "1"
tokio = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = [
] }
tokio-util = "0"
use anyhow::Result;
use file_store::{heartbeat::CellHeartbeat, traits::MsgDecode, file_source};
use futures::{ StreamExt};
use serde_json::json;
fn print_json<T: ?Sized + serde::Serialize>(value: &T) -> Result<()> {
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(value)?);
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// assumes you have cell_heartbeat.1667919103443.gz in folder
let mut file_stream = file_source::source(["cell_heartbeat.1667919103443.gz"]);
while let Some(result) = {
let msg = result?;
let heartbeat = CellHeartbeat::decode(msg)?;
A more fleshed-out example can be found in this sample oracle observer repo.
Service Providers
Several Helium Ecosystem companies are building interfaces around Oracle Data. These services range from APIs to Oracle Data Explorers