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Console Updates- v2.2.3

· 2 min read

Sprint: 70

The latest v2.2.3 release has been releaseed to production by the team. Based on a number of conversations with users, a large number of Console API’s were added to this release and existing ones updated.

Updated Console API docs here.

Full list of this sprint’s implemented features and fixes:

(Note: a closed issue does not necessarily mean the team took action, for example the issue could have been a duplicate or no longer relevant).

Open source users

Check the updated readme for instructions on how to use the prebuilt Console images.

  • New open source users should follow Option 1 listed in the readme and use docker-compose-quay.yaml as the template for their docker-compose file.

  • Existing open source users can update their existing docker-compose file and replace the lines for just the "console" section with the updated lines in the latest docker-compose-quay.yaml file. If something does not work, simply revert your changes back to the docker-compose-quay.yaml file an issue here.

Database migrations will still happen automatically when using the hosted console image.

Additional technical documentation.


The team’s focus in the coming weeks (usual disclaimers apply):

  • Continue building out production-ready roaming services
  • QR code scanning with mobile console
  • Microsoft Azure IoT Central integration
  • Scaling out roaming services
  • Preferred Hotspot selection