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Console Updates- Open Source, Asia, and Datacake integration

· 2 min read

We’re excited to announce the release of Helium Console under the Apache 2.0 license. Console joins a growing list of Helium open source projects including blockchain core, the wallet, the blockchain explorer, the Helium app and others

To host your own version of Console, the github repository is here and documentation can be found here.

The team also added support for Asian countries, as well as adding another prebuilt integration with leading IoT platform Datacake.

Features and updates

  • Released Console as open source to increase decentralization and accelerate usage
  • Regional support for Asia, specifically AS920-923 (“AS1”) and AS923-925 (“AS2”), opening up the biggest region in the world, to the world’s largest public IoT network
  • Delivered Datacake pre-built integration allowing Datacake community to start using The People’s Network in a few clicks.
  • Added associated integrations and functions on individual device pages for increased visibility and easier management.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented using a server IP address with integrations.
  • Pushed a patch that resolved issues with the live data graph.


The team’s focus in the coming weeks (usual disclaimers apply):

  • Downlink management capabilities
  • Update Event log to include more LoRaWAN-related information.
  • Continue to add regional support (Australia)
  • Create a module to integrate with other LoRaWAN network servers, initially ChirpStack.
  • Update Console core design based on Flows (beta) feedback