This release the team added another pre-built integration with Ubidots and extended regional support for China. In addition, the team completed a number of usability enhancements, including making it easier to add Labels to devices, and identify which devices have sent data.
Features and updates
- Delivered a pre-built Integration for the Ubidots IoT platform.
- Conforming with LoRaWAN spec: activation event split into join requests and join accepts.
- Added regional support for frequencies used in China (CN470-510).
- More easily manage Label information on the Device page.
- Provided visual indicators to identify connected devices on Device and Label pages (green dot), and devices without Labels (faded and None in Labels column).
- Updated quick action menus to be consistent across Console.
- Made the left-hand menu togglable to increase work area.
- Improved usability to attach multiple Labels to devices.
- Provided a footer with quick links to resources.
- Addressed an issue related to API keys disappearing when switching Organizations.
- Updated the Adafruit IO template and ensured it appears when choosing the default template for Adafruit IO.
The team’s focus in the coming weeks (usual disclaimers apply):
- Release Console and its backend network server and blockchain components (Router) as open source.
- Continue to add Asian regional support (AS1, AS2).
- Ability to view and clear Downlink queue.
- Update the Event log to include more LoRaWAN-related information.
- Continue to add functionality to Flows (beta)
- Create a module to integrate with other LoRaWAN network servers, initially ChirpStack.